Free traffic vs paid traffic and Best traffic source

Free traffic vs paid traffic and Best traffic source

Hey there,
How is it going, Do you know about Free traffic vs paid traffic and Best traffic source? Today, we are talking about Traffic source. Things like – How to get it? How much time it’s going to take? And, all the juicy secrets you need to know to create a “profitable” online business. Traffic is a critical component of your online business, because, without having eyeballs on your site you can’t make any “profit”. And, without profit you can’t have a profitable business.

But, with traffic, you got people that are interested in getting your stuff, ready to pay you money. And, that’s how you can operate a “profitable” online business that will make money for years to come.

Which is why, in this special report, you will get an overview of the different types
of traffic source there are. You will learn the differences between Free traffic vs paid traffic, and half-way into reading this tutorial you will get to know which is Best traffic source and right for you. You will also learn about two of my favorite traffic source, one free traffic and another paid traffic, and also how to integrate them with your 10 Minute Affiliate Funnel.

Both traffic source are easy to start with. And to make sure that there is nothing
stopping you, the last two chapters are solely dedicated to explaining in great detail
how to setup both of these traffic sources.

There are tons of free as well as paid traffic source to choose from.

Facebook. Adwords. Bing. Instagram. SEO. Youtube. Solo Ads. Media Buys.
Banner Ads. 7 Search. PPV. ETC.

The list is endless.
Mastering all of them is nearly impossible. So how do you know which ones are good? In this tutorial you will learn about two traffic source (Best traffic source) that are great to start with, one paid traffic and another is free traffic.

Before we get into the further details of those traffic source, let’s talk a little bit
about the differences between Free traffic vs paid traffic, to help you to decide which
Best traffic source suits your needs.

The Difference between Free traffic vs paid traffic

Both free as well as paid traffic have their advantages and disadvantages. While free traffic might sound tempting at first, you would usually have to spend more time to acquire free traffic. It can also take a little bit of time to get a fair amount of traffic to your site. Great sources of free traffic, amongst others, are social networks. A big follower-ship on twitter, for instance, can give you a good amount of traffic to your website. However, you would have to spend a significant amount of time and effort to build that follower base first!

But with all the disadvantages comes one big advantage: consistency.

Once you have built a significant free traffic stream, it is unlikely to go away, and has the
potential to send you free traffic for years to come. If you don’t have the time to acquire free traffic, paid traffic might be a better solution for you: You can send paid traffic to your website almost instantly, and the setup usually doesn’t take much effort from your side either. Of course, you would have to pay the dollar price for this flexibility.

Another advantage of paid traffic is that it is usually predictable as well as scalable.
The more you invest the more traffic you can get without having to wait for long
periods of times.

Free Traffic Source: YouTube

YouTube is one of my preferred sources for free traffic. Uploading videos that your target group is interested in, and that include a link to your landing page in the description box is a great way to generate high quality traffic.

Free traffic vs paid traffic and Best traffic source wikiagain

Here are my main reasons why you should give YouTube a try:

There is a lot of traffic on YouTube:

While YouTube is also considered a social network, it is much more than that. It is also the second biggest search engine right after Google! This means that content on YouTube doesn’t only get discovered through shares and likes. A major percentage of users search for topics they are interested in as they would on Google or other search engines. This offers much potential to create a long-term and free traffic stream to your landing pages.

It’s completely free:

Another advantage is that it is completely free to create a YouTube channel and to upload videos. A one-time investment in a high quality camera and video editing software might be the only money you would have to spend to start a successful channel. However, you could easily get started just with your Smartphone or a free screen recorder as well as open-source video editing software. Or, if you’re lazy, you can use videos with a “creative common” license, and upload them to your channels. Yea, that’s right, this way you don’t even need to create your own video, and yes it’s totally legal!

It’s easy:

Any 11-year old can upload a YouTube video – it’s that easy. Creating YouTube videos is also not that difficult once you get the hang of it. And let’s be honest – nobody expects your videos to be highly professional on YouTube. Entertainment and the quality of your information is what really count!

You can grow your subscriber base:

A lot of people might discover your videos by searching for certain keywords and topics on YouTube. And the more views your videos get the more likely it is that more people will find it. But there is another catch: Viewers that like your videos might subscribe to your channel, some might even become loyal viewers that watch every single video you upload. There is no higher quality traffic than that!

You only have to set it up once:

Yes, you might have to upload quite a few videos to create enough traffic to your landing pages (depending on your niche). But the good part is: You only have to upload each video once, and once it starts getting views, it will probably give you traffic for a long time.

My Favorite Paid Traffic Source: Solo Ads

If you have been playing around with email marketing before, you might have heard of Solo Ads. Solo Ads are typically offered by vendors who have big email lists. In exchange for payment they will send out an email that you have written to their email list. This email usually includes a link to your squeeze page or any other landing page of your choice. Payment could be per email that is sent, or based on performance, e. g. per click on your link. The latter is preferred as it ensures that you are actually getting visitors to your landing page.


Note that you are NOT buying email addresses. The list owner’s subscribers are
free to decide whether or not they want to opt-in to your list. I do NOT recommend
you to ever buy email lists!

Here are my main reasons for giving solo ads a try:

It’s virtually instant:

You pay for your solo ad and usually receive the traffic within a short period of time (depending on your vendor’s policy).

It’s scalable:

You also can buy as much traffic that you need. This, of course, also depends on the size of the vendor’s list. However, if one vendor does not satisfy your needs, then there is nothing that can stop you from purchasing more from other vendors.

It’s very easy to implement:

All you have to do is find a solo ad vendor in your niche, write your email (sometimes they write it for you), pay and wait for the traffic to come in.

It’s fairly cheap compare to other paid traffic source:

Not every solo ad seller is offering cheap solo ads, and not every vendor that sells cheap solo ads offers high quality. Nevertheless, solo ads can be quite affordable compare to a lot of other paid traffic source. Another plus: The vendor sends your email to his list that consists of subscribers who already know and trust him, and thus are likely to follow his recommendations. This means that the traffic that you buy from a high quality solo ad seller is probably more likely to convert than traffic that you paid for somewhere else, such as on AdWords, for instance.

High quality (depending on the vendor):

If you find a trusted vendor in your niche, then solo ads can be of great quality. As already mentioned earlier, when sending out the email to his list, the vendor is pre-selling you, your landing page or your product! As a result, people who click through to your site might already have a good opinion about you or what you have to offer before they even see it.

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